Blu-Ray Movies Perfect For Halloween

A film following the lives of two African-American boys who struggle to become college basketball players on the road to going professional. Documentaries don't come much better than this. Here we have a sincere, compelling look at the lives and ambition of two inner-city basketball hopefuls.

The filmed account of a large Canadian rock festival train tour. If this film doesn't make you want to buy a guitar, start a band, as well as live during this drug-fuelled bonanza, nothing ever will.



This 2003 film starred Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Chloe Sevigny, and Stellan Skarsgard. The setup is akin to theatre, with a minimalistic set and no walls. Dogville is a parable which tells the story of Grace Mulligan, played by Kidman, who is fleeing from the mob and takes refuge in the simple town of Dogville. Her plight is worsened when she is humiliated by the small town's citizens. Some have seen this as a straight-up criticism of America, while others feel that von Trier is invoking a more general sentiment.

This movie tells the tale of a young Czech factory worker who is going blind. The lead, Selma, is played by the Icelandic songstress Bjork who also composed the soundtrack for the album and performed a number of the songs. Selma lives a poor life, but she has been saving money for her son to prevent him from suffering her fate. Unfortunately things take a turn for the worse, and Selma ends up going to jail for murder. Other stars include Peter Stormare, Catherine Deneuve and David Morse. The movie was filmed on the low-end with a hand held digital camera, giving it a documentary style appearance. This is the last in the Golden Heart trilogy. It's definitely not for your hardcore sports fan, or for those who like princesses and happy endings. Still, it is quite stirring.

Actually, the manipulation did not come from them (they have only created the calendar), but from today's, so called, scientists. For their own popularity and publicity, they publicly speak, write, make TV shows, documentary films about they do not know, and business education degrees speculate about never seen, or never been issues. Science is experiment, evidence, argument, proof, demonstration, not speculations. So big laboratory, as the universe is, nobody can create, except the Creator, than leave to Him rule the Heavens and the Earth, which He had created.

Even the term 'robotics' was first invented by a sci-fi writer called Isaac Asimov and is now a widely accepted term within the scientific community. Where will it end? The answer is simple. How far can the imagination go? Pretty far I'd say.

We all have our ways to convey our love stories to our kids and interested parties. Commonly we do it by word of mouth. However, if you want to make things more vivid for them, try telling it through videos. It has a better impact.


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